Webasto Live

This page describes how to connect a Webasto Live charging station to the SOLARWATT Manager.
Table of contents


     EnergyManager proSOLARWATT Manager
    (flex 1.0 / flex 1.5 / rail)
    Webasto Live



    Webasto Next





    Full compatibility


    No compatibility

    Possible number of controlled charging stations in the energy management system

     EnergyManager proSOLARWATT Manager
    (flex 1.0 / flex 1.5 / rail)


    The installations on Manager flex and EnergyManager pro requires different settings for the Webasto charging station.

    Configuration for an installation on a SOLARWATT Manager flex

    Interface: Ethernert

    Applicable documents


    • the Webasto Live is connected to the network before switching on
    • the Webasto RFID function is deactivated. RFID is not compatible with PV optimization (Note: the RFID function is activated at the factory.)

    Webasto Live configuration

    • Backend menu: Connection type No backend
    • HEMS menu: Activate Modbus TCP server, port (port number: 502), register set (register set: TQ-DM100)
    • Authorization menu: Free charging Off, When in doubt, allow charging Immediately after plugging in

    Power menu:

    • Dynamic load management - DLM master/slave: DLM master (with internal DLM slave)
    • DLM network ID: 1
    • Deactivate discovery broadcasting: Off
    • DLM algorithm sampling rate: 1 sec
    • Allow wake-up of the electric vehicle: On

    Charging device sub-distribution current limit and operator sub-distribution current limit:

    • the value for the current intensity for charging device sub-distribution current limiting must not exceed the phase protection of the wallbox connection
    • the value for the amperage for operator sub-distribution current limitation must not exceed the charging device sub-distribution current limitation
    • Restart the Webasto Live (if necessary by disconnecting it from the power supply for approx. 1 minute)

    Configuration for an installation on an EnergyManager pro

    Interface: Ethernet

    Applicable documents


    • the Webasto Live is connected to the network before switching on
    • the Webasto RFID function is deactivated. RFID is not compatible with PV optimization. (Note: the RFID function is activated at the factory.)

    Webasto Live configuration

    Backend menu:

    • Connection type: Ethernet
    • OCPP mode: OCPP-J 1.6
    • Websockets JSON OCPP URL:
      ws://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7070, enter the IP address of the EnergyManager for xxx
    • SSL mode as client: Encrypt only - no authentication

    HEMS menu: Deactivate Modbus TCP server

    • Authorization menu: Free charging Off, When in doubt, allow charging Immediately after plugging in

    Power menu:

    • Dynamic load management - DLM master/slave: DLM master (with internal DLM slave)
    • DLM network ID: 1
    • Deactivate discovery broadcasting: Off
    • DLM algorithm sampling rate: 1 sec
    • Allow wake-up of the electric vehicle: On

    Charging device sub-distribution current limit and operator sub-distribution current limit:

    • the value for the current intensity for charging device sub-distribution current limitation must not exceed the phase protection of the wallbox connection
    • the value for the amperage for operator sub-distribution current limitation must not exceed the charging device sub-distribution current limitation
    • Restart the Webasto Live (if necessary by disconnecting it from the power supply for approx. 1 minute)

    Device search in SmartSetup

    Certain device types are found and installed automatically(Automatic installation)

    Other device types must be installed by selecting the device driver and specifying the IP address or host name(manual installation).

    Information on the installation types can be found in the table below.

    Automatic installation

    If the device is correctly configured and available in the network, it is displayed in green in the device list.

    Manual installation

    • Select Select devices in the drop-down menu or search for the corresponding entry according to the table below.
    • Enter the required specifications according to the table below:
      • Search mode
      • iP address or host name, if applicable
    • Click Add device to search.
    • If necessary, add further devices to the search.
    • Once you have added all the devices to be searched for, click Search for and install devices.

    You can recognize correctly installed devices by the message: Device is installed. in the device list. The list also shows the current performance data.

    Driver selection for device search

     energyManager proSOLARWATT Manager
    (flex 1.0 / flex 1.5 / rail)
     DriverSearch modeDriver Search mode 
    Webasto LiveWebasto LiveSearch and install deviceWebasto Live/Next charging stationSerial number: can be viewed on the Webasto user interface (System menu)
    Host name or IP address: can be viewed via the router user interface
    Connected phases: see installation plan


    If the device is not found via the automatic search / automatic IP detection, check whether the device is available in the local network (via network scan - note, a network scan requires the prior consent of your customer - or access to the local user interface of the router).

    If necessary, restart the devices.

    PV optimization settings

    Additional settings are required to operate the device with a maximum proportion of solar power (PV optimization).

    The settings for PV optimization are made in the SOLARWATT Manager portal under Optimizer.